
Your Business

We are an IT company that provides internet services and solutions for corporate and business clients. With the latest technological innovations and a strong commitment, we become a trusted partner in enhancing your business growth.

Trusted by hundreds of companies to support their business.

Client Sites
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Satisfied Clients
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Connected Cities
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Connected Buildings
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Speed Up Your Production Process

MAGNET solutions and services are designed to support businesses, we provide reliable and high-performance services that ensure seamless operations and boost overall productivity.

Connectivity Services


Platform Services

The total solution provided by MAGNET allows you to focus completely on your business growth without any concerns about ICT infrastructure.

Become the Next-Generation Oil Palm Plantation with MAGNET Innovative Solutions.


Connectivity Solution
for Rural Areas

Introducing our new connectivity solution for remote areas, proudly present our PRISMAX.

With PRISMAX technology that can deliver internet signals directly to your remote areas, overcoming the challenges of wide and obstructed terrains.

MAGNET keeps your business connected wherever it is.

News & Insights

More than 1000 sites across Indonesia, MAGNET is trusted service provider.

Call us now for an amazing consultation!