
Magic Prime EN

Dedicated Internet 


MAGIC PRIME is a dedicated internet service using the primary media of fiber optics and wireless. Magic Prime offers high-speed internet with symmetrical bandwidth (1:1) as well as services with fast installation speeds and high flexibility.

This service is very suitable for improving your productivity and is capable of providing internet service with a high level of availability to support the success of your business.

Our Advantages

Benefit of MAGIC PRIME

Supported by 24/7 premium service with priority as the main service for your business.

The dedicated internet infrastructure of MAGNET uses multiple upstreams that can mutually backup each other and is directly connected to the MAGNET data center as well as the heart of the Indonesian internet

MAGNET is connected with several local exchange networks (IIX, OpenIXP, and Jakarta-IX), making access to local networks in Indonesia faster and more stable

Internet with infrastructure specifically designed for business, thereby capable of being the right solution for business needs

This Product is recomended for

Boost your business productivity with fast and secure dedicated internet services with MAGNET